Character Bios+ ref sheets!
(left: Angel, right: Bea)
-Angel grew up in a small town in Maryland with her father, a fisherman. He always tried to teach Angel to be thoughtful and considerate of others, and one year at Christmas she noticed not every child got a present. So she started hand-sewing plushies for them every year, and eventually got so good at it she became somewhat famous for it online, earning her her title of ultimate plush-maker. She’s on the quiet side, but less because she’s shy and more because she can get lost in her own thoughts. Despite being quiet, Angel finds it’s very important for everyone’s thoughts and concerns to be heard and will push for that if she thinks someone is being left out. She is very compassionate but has an analytical side as well. She feels a little uncomfortable in the spotlight, but also wants to be helpful in whatever way she can. (Angel is the protag of this series!)
-Beachblood (Bea for short) was raised in Hawaii with a large family. Her mother and father always encouraged her to pursue everything she loved, which was always singing. She has a passionate love for music of every genre, but especially rapping, which she combines with Hawaiian-style music. Despite having performed on some of the biggest stages in the world, outside of her rapper persona, Bea is introverted and prefers having a few close friends. She is incredibly intuitive, and a bit stubborn. She is also very creative and has high expectations for herself, and tends to be a little distrustful towards people after having her old friends try and use her for status. So much so that she’s become very protective of her privacy and few people even know her real name!

(left: Veronica, right: Ash)
-Veronica is the sister of Rodrique, and the original host of the party before the killing game started. She is the heiress of the Belvedere fortune after her brother. She was raised knowing Rodrique would inherit the business though, so she is carefree knowing she’ll never have to seriously work for as long as she lives. This makes her come off as bubbly, and a little bit vain and childish. When asked about her talent, she loves to demonstrate. She’s the Ultimate voice actor, and can also impersonate anyone she meets. She’s played in several cartoons as popular voices and really seems to bask in the attention. She’s extremely curious and intelligent, seemingly being much more of a quick thinker than her air-headed appearance would suggest. She also seems to love arguing and is somewhat insensitive, sometimes using other voices to mock people, including her own staff and brother. Apparently, her and her brother were identical twins before she dyed her hair. Her and Ash become fast friends and start enabling the absolute WORST in each other.
-Asher’s past isn’t something she seems to want to talk about, preferring to quiz others on theirs. She’s called the lucky student, but says she thinks it’s silly to pick a lucky student for every year and claims she doesn’t really have anything like that and its useless to try to study something so abstract. Despite that, she seems to enjoy the fact that 'a commoner got into such an elite school without any effort.’ and will tease others about it. Asher is a very direct and honest person, but can also be insensitive and impatient. She’s also prone to dramatics and being overly somber and pessimistic about bad situations. She also wears pajamas exclusively because 'she loves to be comfy’. Another thing she is slower to mention is that she has narcolepsy, and gets sleepy or falls asleep easily.

(left: Andrew, right: Rodrique)
-Andrew was raised by his mother who was the Belvedere’s former head butler. When she passed away when he was 11, he took over her role to everyone’s surprise, with natural ease. He was raised alongside the Belvedere’s and considers them his bosses, but also feels responsible for them. He seems to want to maintain an extremely formal relationship with both of them, despite the fact they act overly familiar to him. Andrew is very formal and polite, but also seems to be hardworking, decisive and confident. He has a very analytical mind, and if something isn’t rational he will argue against it. Despite that if his masters ask something of him he will almost never turn them down, unless it threatens their or someone else’s well-being. He also seems somewhat adverse to being in the spotlight, stating that a butler shouldn’t be seen too much unless needed.
-Rodrique is Veronica’s brother, but the two of them couldn’t be more different. Despite being twins, Rodrique was always treated as the eldest due to his maturity over his sister, and has been groomed to run the family business and be the heir since he was a child. He is far more serious than his sister, and usually the only one brave enough to try to keep her in line. Rodrique doesn’t have a talent, but he is also going to be attending the American Hope’s Peak in the reserve department’s business course. He doesn’t seem to mind not having a talent, instead being a bit arrogant because he knows he’ll have more money than most of the talented kids anyway. He is straightforward and rational, and like his sister he can be a little condescending and intimidatingly intelligent, but he doesn't have the cruel streak she has.

(left: Paul, right: Nat)
-Paul grew up with his parents who ran a landscaping business together. He followed them around and quickly learned all the tricks and methods and started adding his own flare to it. He’s a soft spoken and artistic boy who is eager to help his parents and one day take over their business for them. When he was thirteen he was invited to California to work under the Belvederes as their private landscaper, but he was hesitant to leave his parents so young. They encouraged him though, saying he could always come back, but the new experience would be a great adventure. Since then Paul has lived with the Belvederes. Despite his soft spokenness his favorite genre of music is metal, and he’s actually pretty passionate about it, modeling his style after his favorite singer. …He and Andrew butt heads over his style a lot since Andrew is technically his boss, but Veronica insists she likes Paul’s style and expression, so there’s not a lot Andrew can really do about it.
-Nat grew up in Florida with his two older sisters and his aunt. He was a bit socially awkward as a child, and preferred to spend his time at the beach instead of with friends his own age. When he entered school he got a teacher who had a fish tank for educational purposes, and got more interested in fish through that. When he was fourteen he got contacted by the Belvederes, asking him to become their live-in aquarist and maintain their huge aquarium. He reluctantly agreed, but seems to regret it. Nat comes off as an antisocial hothead, stating that he prefers fish to people. He has a deep understanding of science and all of the mechanics behind fish keeping and is actually a bit of a bookworm with an intelligent streak despite his appearance. He’s an extremely hard worker himself. He also has a hard time recognizing his or other people’s emotions or emotional needs.

(left: Molly, middle: Kerry, right: Savannah)
-Molly is a mortician- one of the youngest in her home state. She started studying under her elder sister and quickly surpassed her in the field. She works around dead bodies more than people, so she tends to be a little socially awkward. She tries to break the ice and tell jokes, but often tells them wrong or picks too morbid of jokes. Despite being brilliant in her field, she’s a bit absent minded in conversations, and seems to be a private person when it comes to talking about herself. She also makes very inappropriate remarks about death sometimes because she’s incredibly desensitized to it, but she never has bad intentions behind it or means it as coldly as it sounds. She has a huge affinity for the 1920s and often speaks in an old fashioned way, along with dressing in an older, more modest style and dying her hair grey in hopes that she’ll seem older and be taken more seriously in her field. She’s convinced she’s an old soul reincarnated and has a few spiritual habits.
-Kerry was raised in Texas. She loves things that sparkle and shine, and loves dressing a little eccentrically. She’s incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, loving to socialize with everyone she meets. Her talent stems from a love of sparkly and pretty things, but she also loves to dress other people up and make custom jewelry for them that ‘fits their spirit’. She seems to be religious, but not overly so. She also seems to have a hard time focusing on things for too long, earning her the nickname 'Ditzy Nitzy’, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
-Growing up in a wealthier environment, Savannah would trail her parents to parties and be shoved into the kids corner. She would sometimes get forgotten and left at these parties and rather than worrying about herself, she’d just worry about… everything, in general. She fixated on the garbage from these parties, worrying about where it went and how they got rid of all of it. She went on to actually study and develop greener methods of waste disposal that earner her a lot of money, but because she’s underage, only ended up fueling her parent’s wealth. Savannah is a bit too idealistic, trying to believe all people are good and tends to quickly blame herself when things go south. She can be incredibly passionate about new ideas but when put down will give up easily. She’s also painfully shy and if she feels nervous she’ll isolate herself and become depressed easily. People tend not to believe she’s wealthy because she makes an effort to go as low-waste as possible, wearing the same clothes over and over for years and mending them, not caring if they’re stained or dirty.

(left: Mary right: Elizabeth)
-Elizabeth is the younger of the Chalk twins. She often plans weddings for clients her sister paired together. She’s a very social and cheerful girl who loves seeing her clients have fairy tale style weddings. She’s very warm and caring, taking care not to make people uncomfortable. Elizabeth seems to look up to her sister very much, stating that her sister definitely has the harder of their talents, and that she admires her deeply for being able to spot problems in relationships and helping people overcome them. She is incredibly loyal, but a little clingy. She fantasizes often about her own future romance and wedding. Between the two of them, they claim to have never had an unhappy or divorced couple.
-Mary is the eldest of the Chalk twins, and is the one who does the matchmaking. She claims dating apps take away a lot of her clients and seems to resent them. She has a talent for pyschoanalysing clients and figuring what each person is seeking in a match. She, lately, has been trying to branch out a bit from her sister and split up from the twin act, which saddens Elizabeth greatly.

(left: Elliot right: Theodore)
-Elliot is a star football player for his high school team, starting the game because his friend was nervous to go to try outs alone. Eli pretty much has his choice of any college in the country because he’s that good, but Elliot has hinted at feeling uncomfortable being in the limelight and despite his large stature, seems to have severe anxiety, keeping a small dog (Pooch!!) with him to calm him down. Despite his anxiety, he works extremely well with others, seemingly very tolerant and reliable. Although his weaknesses are being too sensitive or too indecisive, he seems to be aware of these and is actively working on them.
-Theodore was born and raised in a small town- and according to him ‘there was so little to do, so I had to find some hobby or I’d go crazy’. Near his house was a small radio station, and he actually got in trouble for vandalizing it, and as punishment as made to help the owner/broadcaster after school, which started his love for radio. He and the owner became good friends and had a mentor/student dynamic until the owner passed and left the radio station to Theo. He was a very social and loves putting on a show, so radio broadcasting came naturally to him. Because of his talent, he knows a lot of famous people having interviewed them, and loves to socialize. Sometimes he forgets boundaries or becomes too friendly or flirty and can make people uncomfortable. He also loves gossip, but hates confrontation when it involves him, so he’s more inclined to hide in the background and take mental notes than jump into a fight.

-Darren was late getting to the mansion, and therefore got locked out of the killing game at first- but thanks to his talent, he managed to get in, trying to rescue everyone, and accidentally gets caught up in the game anyway due to this. He's a mystery for most of the story, but he's a well-meaning goofball who just wants everyone to work on themselves and wants to support what he thought would be his new friends. He's an extroverted optimist.
SO!! In addition to the general bios I also wanted to add, three of the boys here are employed by the Belvedere family! The parents made a point to try and get younger teens/kids their own kids age living with and working with them because Veronica and Rodrique were tutored privately at home, so they were a bit..isolated? (not for no reason ofc, Veronica has SERIOUS attitude problems that led to this being necessary) So Nat, Andrew, and Paul all also live at the mansion pre-story! Just something worth mentioning :3