Character Bios!

(left: Yunori, right: Majo)
⏳ Yunori Aokawa ⏳
⏳Age 22
⏳Deck theme: Wind attributes, lots of winged beasts. Her ace is ‘grand meridian quaver’, an angelic looking monster with a scythe and eight wings. (At some point I’ll come back and design these girls ace monsters for real…)
⏳ Our protagonist! She’s wanted to be a horologist forever and is deeply interested in history; in the future she’s from, a horologist isn’t just someone who studies time, but is someone who directly can observe set points on the timelines.
⏳They do this at a company called ChronoCorp (which is lowkey kinda shady…Yunori doesn’t work there long enough to notice…there’s 20 miles of contracts and NDAs, and you have to pass several hard tests to even be considered to be a new hire, so needless to say, Yunori studied Very Hard) it’s basically just people assigned historical events that were poorly documented to go and transcribe what actually happened, using tech that lets them watch it on hologram screens and pause it (basically a fancy TV…) they aren’t supposed to be able to interact with the events in any way and time travel is not a (publicly) known thing…
⏳On her first week on the job she finds a mysterious ring on her desk with a note with her name on it and assumes it’s a company gift, and while observing, she gets so into watching the duel she leans forward to the screen…and falls in! the ring seems to give her this ability and to have a lot of mystery around it, including it’s origin, and it has a recharge time, so once she’s in a certain time, she’s stuck for a while (not to mention, at the start she has no idea how it works or how to control it…) it’s called the sidereal ring! Yes this is a time travel plot. It’s very self indulgent of me.
⏳I’m not including stuff from arc v, vrains or sevens because I haven’t watched them, so they’re non canon here I guess for now? The series is a 200-300 yrs after zexal!
⏳ Yunori is a very cautious, nervous girl at the start of her adventure, determined she shouldn’t be interfering with history. She’s genre savvy and is convinced she’ll mess up the timeline if she does anything major, but over the course of the series becomes more confident and realizes she’s meant to be at the places she arrives at. She’s a huge history nerd and geeks out over famous duelists also despite having stage fright herself, she loves to see other people duel and loves to duel herself!

(left: Yunori, right: Majo)
🎃Majo Kuromiya 🎃
🎃Age 24
🎃Deck theme: Halloween! Her ace card is a jack-o-lantern dragon called ‘boosilisk the hallowyvern’
🎃The rival character! She started entering duel tournaments in middle school to help her family because they were impoverished at the time, and by high school she was touring on professional duel circuits and had serious money. She very carefully developed and maintained her persona of being a spooky queen who puts on a show of being creepy while dueling, though she does earnestly love creepy cute things!
🎃She used her winnings to start her own company, Hallowed-Evolution. It’s the largest duel monsters costume and cosplay retailer! She’s pretty calculating because she’s been managing the company since she turned 18 to further support her family and handles a lot of PR herself. Although she threw herself into it so wholeheartedly that she never had time to make friends, which her family worries about. She’s so used to putting her persona up that it’s hard for her to make friends because she’s always got her mask up.
🎃Her and Yunori meet because Yunori lands in her time (sometime between 5Ds and zexal?) first, and because she owns her costume company and works with fabrics, she’s like What Is Your Outfit Made of. That’s not a fabric ive seen!!! (It’s Future Fabric™️) and Yunori is miserable at lying. Majo then let’s her stay at her estate trying to pry out details about the future (honestly, her first motives are to get details about the future to try and use that to grow her company…)
🎃 Yunori is a kind of awkward girl thought of as a history otaku back home so she didn’t have friends, and Majo doesn’t have any friends either, so they make a fun duo of Weird Girls and eventually grow together as people and have a full group of friends by the end. But at the start they’re both the same kind of too-focused on work types and learn to relax together 😌
🎃They butt heads a lot because Majo believes if Yunori is here, it means she was meant to be and shouldn’t be so afraid to mess up the timelines. (Majo is right, and smug about it later) Majo is also fascinated by superstitions and the occult and will casually say super morbid things which freaks Yunori out. Also, Majo is desperate to duel Yunori and beat her, because if she can beat someone who has the advantage of future cards and has studied duels as much as Yunori has, she’s convinced that’s the best victory that could be had. She also wants it to be a big showy match, but Yunori is like NO I HAVE TO STAY A SECRET IM NOT EVEN BORN IN THIS TIME YET!!! (They duel several times and yes, eventually on a big stage! Majo helps Yunori get over her stage-fright!)
🎃Majo also supplies Yunori with time-accurate outfits to help her blend in even though she doesn’t think Yunori actually needs to, and comes with her for pretty much all the adventures (Yunori accidentally brings her at first and while Majo is kind of excited to be involved, she’s more worried about her family and who will run her company, but when she gets back she realizes she doesn’t have to do everything alone because her family was reliably running it in her absence!) Her family includes her mother, her grandfather and two younger brothers (one 14 and one 10) and her mother was the one helping run the company for the most part.

⚡Koeru Mukō!
⚡Age: ???
⚡She worked at ChronoCorp a few years before Yunori, and was an equally starry-eyed new low level employee at the time. And like Yunori, she also got a sidereal item (hers being an earring set) but it was a lot newer and more faulty than Yunori’s, and when she accidentally used it, she got stuck in a void between time (quite painfully, hence the scarring, when the sidereal earrings malfunctioned it electrocuted her. It used to be a pair of them but now she just has the one on the side with no scars). And has been for several years.
⚡Her goal is to take down ChronoCorp because she knows they’re using naive new hires to test this very dangerous technology. Which is a completely justified goal, but because she’s been isolated so long she goes about it in kind of. Unhinged ways. She is very calculating and smart but also very very manic. She genuinely wants Yunori to join her because she sees her old self in her, and Yunori feels bad and wants to help Koeru, but doesn’t always agree with her methods… when they first meet it’s when Yunori and Majo are traveling in time and get sort of. Stopped in between times and they see a figure, and Majo is immediately like ‘these vibes are horrible, she’s dangerous, let me duel her’. Majo and Koeru stay fighting thru most the series and they both 100% want Yunori to be on Their Side, lmao
⚡For plot reasons she’s stuck in the Void area and escaping really isn’t as simple as just hitching a ride with Yunori, but she’s been low key harnessing energy every time anyone makes a jump in time and gains the ability to pull people in the void with her. She’s a reoccurring antagonist who is sometimes helpful to the protags and will offer her knowledge/duel assistance, but ultimately she’s more focused on her end goal than anything. And she’s kinda tragic, so while I don’t have the story planned out in depth, I’ll probably give her some kind of good ending 🤷🏻 also I think I want her to play with a psychic and thunder deck ^^

⏳ Yawaraka Hitsuji ⏳
⏳Age 24
⏳Deck theme: Extremely Soft/cute Monsters. More specifically, his deck is a spellcaster/fairy hybrid…lots of cute girl cards :p His ace is a card called Hourglass Magi, a princessy looking pretty lady card themed around time. …The thing is, he actually plays with TWO decks. the other one is still cutesty cards, but…considerably weaker and less cohesive. He…gets nervous in duels so has a ‘bad’ deck so he can lose the duel on purpose. because he feels BAD if he wins and prefers to be considered a loser or bad at the game if it means boosting someone else’s mood. Yes, he’s a SWEET DORK. yes, the main charas take mild offense to this bc they take it as not real wins and they bully him into trying his best. friendship :)
⏳ He applied to work at ChronoCorp a few months before Yunori and is still kinda a newbie like Yunori is. They bond over both bein the new kids on the job so to speak. They’re in different departments (Yawaraka’s in IT, Yunori is a horologist, that’s why their uniforms have diff colored accents, to denote their departments) but they still get lunch together :)
⏳He’s more reserved than Yunori, and less of a history otaku than she is, but he likes listening to her ramble on. And he loves tech! And she listens to him and doesn’t just write him off! They’re both pretty anxious people so they kinda bond over being nerds lol, and when her sidereal ring gets messed up, he can fix it…He’s SUPER supportive of her. On the other hand, he’s lowkey scared of Majo…
⏳Oh, yeah, while Yunori is going on Time Adventures, he mostly is the one covering for her (he does join on occasion, but mostly he’s the guy in the chair holding the fort back at ChronoCorp) he finds himself moving up in the ranks VERY quickly and the boss (who no one has SEEN btw) giving him very Special Treatment, or certain things are forgiven when he does lil tasks to get Yunori out of trouble… even tho he’s kinda the type of guy to do the bare minimum at work? he’s not overly Passionate about this particular job over any other tech job, and he thinks, you know, 'I’m just some Guy they hired off the streets, why would I be Moving Up So fast??’
⏳And as it turns out, the boss is Him From the Future who’s hellbent on becoming immortal through the power of ChronoCorp (or, time travel as a means to possess his younger self repeatedly so he won’t age. He…came back to the past to establish ChronoCorp in the first place, too, implying he’s kind of stuck in a time loop himself??) to further the research on the sidereal jewellery, (which is a set of earrings (belonging to Koeru now) the ring (belonging to Yunori) and the necklace (with him) the jewellery originated from a Godess of Time (who of course is a duel monster spirit…) who’s power is on the level of like, the god cards…) he’s harmed a LOT of people (koeru being the prime example, her grudge against him is JUSTIFIED)
⏳but. Yawaraka from the present is just a bumbling unaware guy and is like ??? when Koeru tries to kill him of course. he is never AWARE when he gets possessed by future!yawaraka, lol. he has to have the situation explained to him AFTER they beat future!yawaraka the first time, and hes like ’??? I wouldnt do that wtf im so sorry T_T’ poor guy. and uh. future!yawaraka just Keeps hoppin into his body whenever, which Sucks
⏳It’s heavily implied future!Yawaraka’s goal was originally to try and prevent EVERY major tragedy in history with an army of time traveling duelists once he’d learned enough about the sidereal jewellery. But along the way he got…sidetracked and had a power trip. He justifies all of this by saying any damage he does he can time travel and undo…(not the case with people like Koeru, either)
⏳ Our Yawaraka completely rejects this ofc and tells Yunori she’s his bestie and he’d NEVER become evil, he Promises. and he remains helpful and faithful to helping her in any way he can, becoming the proper CEO of ChronoCorp at the end of the series with a little guidance from Majo, (since future him did technically…create the company in the past, it’s His…) and he vows to do away with the Sketchy Stuff, and asks Yunori to help him if even just on a consultant basis bc shes obv SO passionate about it.
⏳Koeru never really Forgives him (even tho it wasn’t present Yawaraka’s fault exactly and she was the one who ends up beating future him in a 3 on one duel, with Yunori and Majo vs him) but he tries VERY hard to at least make sure she can live comfortably and tries to take accountability… at the end of the series the entire jewellery set is given to Yunori bc he rly does start to get Tempted to Use it :’)
⏳ Since the main chara of SR! is a girl I figured it was only fitting to make the sort of bestie cheerleader character be a dude. and also the villain bc that’s fun. B)
Ship names

…I wrote out a LONG explanation of all the ship namesthat kinda appeals only to me…haha… :’)c if any of these ship names are already taken…I couldnt find anything on them in the tumblr tags, so I’m. going to continue to call them this until evidence to the contrary.
mirrorshardshipping (yunori/koeru)
the first time yunori sees koeru, its in a broken mirror shard all ~dramatically~ and has to turn to face her. the name doubles as a bit of symbolism: koeru also got a peice of sidereal jewelry but it had awful effects on her, and they worked for the same company, making her and yunori parallels to each other. koeru tries several times to get yunori to join her and yunori pities her but thinks shes going about her goals the wrong way. eventually they’re friends, so its got diff dynamics depending on what point in the story you ship them…
aficionadoshipping (future!yawaraka/yunori)
yunori and yawaraka are both aficionados about their interests, but future!yawaraka kicks it up to 100, and is also very Enthusiastically trying to sway yunori, calling her more than a labrat like he saw koeru as, but his old friend. yunori is reasonably freaked out. great ship if u like good/evil characters shipped together, hes the bowser to her peach etc.
dressupshipping (majo/yawaraka)
yawaraka is kinda lowkey afraid of majo at first, falling for her spookygirl aes, but eventually he comes to respect her skill and dedication to costuming. the name comes from the fact he kinda gets way more into letting majo play dress up with him than yunori does, happily wearing anything she makes. girlboss/softboy type ship 100%
theatricshipping (majo/future!yawaraka)
future!yawaraka taunts majo by saying he learned his villainous theatrics from how she always puts on a performance and never takes her mask off, so to speak, saying this knowing its smth shes sensitive about, making her really mad. shes only scary in aesthetic in a halloweeny-way, while hes genuinely trying to scare and or hurt ppl. the potential angst here. sick guitar riff
eerieshipping (majo/koeru)
ship name based 100% off their aesthetics, lmao. majo puts herself between koeru and yunori to duel in yunori’s stead at first to protect her from koeru, showing no fear, and claiming shes the scary queen. koeru is secretly glad later on majo was never afraid of her, and they eventually are friends :)
selfhelpshipping (future!yawaraka/yawaraka)
…its a selfcestship. future!yawaraka does a LOT to help his past self, like going back and founding ChronoCorp and ensuring he gets a job/gets special treatment/gets away with anything unbeknownst to yawaraka. ofc this is all self-serving, but like. its ygo. gotta have those selfcest ships yk. yawaraka is Scared to Become future!yawaraka and future!yawaraka is mad his old self is ungrateful and doesnt appreciate the self love LMAO
-flytrapshipping (koeru/yawaraka)
koeru sees yawaraka as an easier target than his future self to kill/get revenge on for him throwing her into the void, likening him to a venus flytrap that draws ppl in with a sweet face. hes terrified of her and desperately wants to make things right with her bc he hates when ppl are mad at him. very funny or angsty dynamic depending
-collateralshipping (koeru/future!yawaraka)
future!yawaraka calls koeru collateral damage and they have a hate/hate relationship. Spicy
fullsetshipping (yunori/koeru/future!yawaraka)
all of the ppl who own the full set of sidereal jewelry! its just yunori holding them apart aggressively while they try and kill each other, the other two would be fighting over yunori…
-trinityshipping (yunori/yawaraka/majo)
wholesome time traveling trio, majo dresses the other two up, is their girlboss, yunori is the one who cheers the other two up out of their Funks, yawaraka is their lil special bi guy. very cute. would probably be like, one of the Popular Ships
-seapoppyshipping (yunori/koeru/majo)
the scene where these three meet is by the seaside with poppies. the GIRLS polyship, a lot of this ship is the other two trying to comfort koeru and ease her back into the real world
-versperashipping (yunori/yawaraka/majo/koeru)
verspera from the latin for evening, bc these four don’t really start getting along/working together until the near-end of the series (evening…) also kind of a reference to the Famous Vespa Scene. We All Know the One.